
 In The Proceeding Of The International Conference On Professionalism And Ethics In Construction Held At Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University, UK Between 21-22 November 2018
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Qualitative Evidence On The Significant Factors Impeding Building Design Teams Performance In Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Ikudayisi A.E., Adegbehingbe, V.O. And Oviasogie, A.C.
Year Published:
This study aims to gain an understanding of factors impeding building design team performance. Qualitative research method was employed to glean information from a diverse range of building professionals in Nigeria. Thematic analysis, of interviews involving 21 key professionals resulted in identification of a number of themes. The first theme focused on the operational challenges including the integration delays, soft conflict and communication. The second theme pertained to professionals’ competency from resourcefulness and skilled recourse perspective. The third theme concerned client quality, within the financial and organizational context. The fourth theme dealt with the difficulties associated with professional institutes’ processes. The last emphasized the impact of societal challenges on professionals’ practices. All the themes were found to be interconnected, indicating the complexity associated with team performance at various scales in developing economies. The results indicate that the current approach to project delivery is unlikely to ensure that team effectiveness and sufficient quality of building projects. Therefore, the study concludes with recommendations on possible ways forward. 
 American Journal Of Environmental Protection
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Impact Of Quality And Usage Of Outdoor Spaces On Sustainable Campus Environment In Akure, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Ayodele Emmanuel Ikudayisi And Victor Olufemi Adegbehingbe
Year Published:
Sustainable academic environment has multiple benefits of fostering conducive living and learning as well as shaping student’s behavioural pattern towards sustainability practice in their future endeavours. Although an academic environment entails the interface of indoor and outdoor spaces, the outdoor spaces have received little research attention especially in Nigeria. This study focused on outdoor sustainability by examining the qualities, adequacy and level of usage of campus outdoor spaces and its infrastructures. An instrument tagged “Campus Outdoor Spaces Questionnaire (COSQ)” was used to collect relevant data from Four hundred and Ten (410) students drawn from six (6) Schools in Federal University of Technology Akure, (FUTA) Nigeria. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics including frequency chart, mean score and standard deviation. The study found that the students perceived the campus outdoor spaces as well landscaped, well maintained and safe; however, they opined that the outdoor furniture, sport facilities and lighting are grossly inadequate, more importantly; the outdoor spaces lack facilities that could support learning and social connectivity. Hence, recommendations were made on strategies towards achieving sustainable campus environments, urging universities to implement outdoor projects that support learning, students’ interaction and ultimately foster sustainable environment.